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Coming out of the Spiritual Closet - November Update

Michael Bilkis

How did a board-certified dermatologist decide to leave the very lucrative world of medicine and enter the world of shamanic healing, intuitive readings, and emotional healing?

The very abbreviated answer is that, very early in my career, I realized that medicine doesn’t cure chronic conditions. Moreover, with the increasing severity of the chronic diseases I treat, I need to prescribe stronger medications with a higher price tag and side effect profile.

After 35 years of practicing as a board-certified physician, I decided to hang up my stethoscope and prescription pad to follow my passion. I work with spiritually oriented men and women who value or are curious about mystical, esoteric, and spiritual approaches to some of life's problems. People who feel stuck in a rut in their relationships or careers lack self-worth and have no sense of meaning or purpose. I help them find clarity, direction, and healing that clears blocks and creates the freedom to move forward into a more joyful, successful, and meaningful life.

I believe that true disease arises from a shortlist of categories: chemical imbalance, toxic overload, structural misalignment, and emotional injury.

Over the last 30 years, I have studied and deepened my study of energy healing of all types. I believe that healing emotional trauma is a major step in healing disease and dis-ease.

My 3-step process addresses your issues at their very core.

  1. Identify the core issues.

  2. Clear the blocks or trauma.

  3. Co-create the next action step(s) to lean into your new state of being.

My toolbox includes intuitive tarot readings to gain clarity; Emotional Freedom Technique, grounded in scientific studies; and shamanic healing and ceremonies, grounded in tradition passed down from teacher to student. moreover, I was trained in Past Life Regression Therapy by Dr. Brian Weiss, MD. He is the author of Many Lives Many Masters. And, I also facilitate Cacao Ceremonies for healing and deeper spiritual insight.

I offer all my services through Zoom Video Conferencing

Tarot Readings are available through Zoom and also in person at Truth in Evidence Paranormal located at 31 W Congress Street Savannah, Ga.

Upcoming Events

Introduction to Intuitive Tarot Reading: Date and location to be determined

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