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Celebrate Your Life, Exactly As It Is

Michael Bilkis

Motivational Monday: Celebrate Your Life, Exactly As It Is

This morning, I stumbled upon a quote that struck a chord deep within me:

Celebrate the here and now
Celebrate the here and now

Right now, this quote feels incredibly apropos for my life. It’s a gentle yet firm reminder to release the belief that my life should be something else, something different than what it is right now. Instead of focusing on what isn’t happening or what I wish were different, I’m prodded into taking action based on my current circumstances. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “I should be doing this,” or “My life should look like that.”

Stop "Shoulding" all over yourself

But here’s the thing: I’ve long counseled people not to “should” all over themselves—or let others “should” all over them. In fact, I’ve always said that I spell the word "should" as "S-H-I-T." Yet, today, it’s my turn to acknowledge my own resistance, let go of the “shoulds,” and take action anyway.

It’s time to celebrate my life for what it is, not for what I think it should be. I’m choosing to embrace the choices I have right now, instead of focusing on what’s missing. This mindset isn’t just about making peace with where you are—it’s about finding joy in it. It’s about recognizing that happiness isn’t something to chase in some imagined future, but something to cultivate in the present.

So, let’s make today the day we all stop “shoulding” on ourselves. Let’s acknowledge our resistance, feel it, and then move forward anyway. Celebrate your life, with all its imperfections and quirks, and take action on the choices you have available right now.

💖 How are you choosing to celebrate your life today? What “shoulds” can you let go of to embrace the joy in the present?

🌟 Ready to explore how to release those “shoulds” and embrace your life fully? Schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Michael Bilkis, MD, and let’s take the first step together.

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