In this issue
The hermit card in the tarot speaks of going inward for deeper understanding. This past year certainly exemplified this for me in 2022. I moved from New Jersey to Savannah, Georgia, on September 13, 2021. A few days before I left, the doctor who had offered me a job way back in May called one week before my move and told me that, "due to staffing changes," he didn't have a place for me. Then a second doctor sent me a contract and also withdrew the offer. I took the hint from the universe and decided to officially rewire from the practice of dermatology to devote my energy and passion to spiritual and emotional healing and coaching.
I learned that having the skills and the heart isn't enough to also attract clients. 2022 was a year of mostly solitude as I unwound 35 years as a practicing physician. Apparently, I needed many months for this. I also started off 2022 with a case of COVID that took me out of action for 4-6 weeks. Surprisingly, to me, I enjoyed my alone time after treating 20–50 patients a day for three decades.
Covid also brought some unexpected blessings with it. I was only truly sick with a fever for about a week. The real trouble came the next week, when I had trouble falling asleep. That week, I watched a lot of TV at night and only got two hours of sleep in the morning.One week later, I had a panic attack when I laid down and closed my eyes. I had been up all night and was becoming increasingly agitated as the morning progressed. My wife, a brilliant healer, did some work on me and also brought me for a massage with a friend. While on the massage table, I became so agitated that I nearly ran out of the room wearing only a sheet. Luckily, I was given some trazodone, which worked to calm my nervous system, and I slept for the first time in a week. I would also require it or some other aid to fall asleep for most of the year.
There was also a blessing in having COVID. During the month, I found my cognitive abilities to be somewhat impaired. I could converse, eat, take care of my personal needs, and even watch some TV. I couldn't read or do any other thought-intensive tasks. The blessing came in the form of my heightened feelings. My wife truly stepped up to the plate and took great care of me. I found that I was experiencing a love for her and feeling loved on a whole new level. This was such a valuable gift. It is one that I treasure. A year later, I still value the memory and feel my heart open when I think about it.
Today, I work with spiritually minded people who value mystical, esoteric, and spiritual approaches to some of life's problems. Specifically, I work with men and women who are stuck in a rut or feel like they hit a wall in their relationships or their careers.
They may feel frustrated, have low self-esteem, or lack purpose (direction). I help them find clarity, direction, and healing that clears blocks and creates the freedom to move forward into a more joyful, successful, and meaningful life.
I utilize many different modalities, depending on each client's personal situation. Some of my mani techniques include: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, Emotion Code, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval, and Intuitive Tarot Readings.
Over the last 30 years, I have observed that stress is such a major factor in most diseases. And, also, that so much stress is generated by past emotional wounds and trauma. This led me to my current work model, "Moving forward by healing the past." Tarot, readings. I discovered through serendipity that they are an excellent modality when a client knows that something isn't working in their lives and requires clarity. My signature tarot spread is called the Labyrinth Spread. It is an 11–13 card spread that presents a mirror of my client's life in a way that allows me to see what is obscured or hidden from their view. Often, it also provides an opening for healing to begin in the reading itself.
2023 Offerings
In addition to the one-on-one work that I do with clients, I also offer a number of workshops, ceremonies, and classes.
monthly in-person cacao ceremony.
Virtual cacao or other herbal ceremony
Regular psychic development circles: in-person or virtual
Clear Your Blocks and Build Your Business: A group workshop that also includes a one-on-one session to help you clear the blocks that keep you from taking action in your business or career.
Intuitive Tarot Reading for Beginner and Intermediate Readers This workshop is designed to teach you an intuitive approach to card reading, especially when you forget what the book says.
January 2023 Tarot Message
This month's message is about prosperity. The One of Fire addresses the beginning of prosperity or a new opportunity. However, prosperity is often blocked by fear. Fear of everything that may go wrong is a very paralyzing emotion. As it blocks a person from taking action, it creates the very situation that a person is afraid will happen. Ironically, sometimes it's the subconscious fear of failing that actually blocks one from taking action too. The cycle of fear continues as a person chooses to suffer in silence, either because they are afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. Suffering in silence, a person's mind will create all types of stories that rob them of taking action, believing the deceptive lies that their egos continue to tell them to justify their lack of progress or actions.
The key to breaking this cycle is to reach out for help. There is a saying, "Pain shared is pain halved, and blessings shared are blessings doubled." The decision to reach out for help takes so much courage and determination. It is often one of the most difficult steps for many people to take on their healing journey. However, once taken, the seeds of prosperity can finally germinate and grow.
Deck: Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck
Author: John Holland
Artist: John Matson
Publisher: Hay House, 2007
How to work with Rev. Dr. Michael R. Bilkis, MD
I can be reached via one of the contact forms on my website,, or by email at Also, my website contains more information about me and the work I do with clients.
Currently, I also offer a complimentary 30-minute Take the First Step Strategy Session. During this session, I will learn more about your issue and the direction you want to move in, and you will learn more about me. Together, we will decide if working together is your next best step.
With light, love, and blessings,
Dr. Michael